First blog

           Your first post on social media is very important just like a first impression , so I wanted to start off with a short story that is just me and my thoughts. It’s definitely not going to be the best thing I will write.

            As I was packing my last and final box to move into my collage dorm , I realized this is it. I truly believed that I had my whole life figured out and that’s I knew everything. I learned really fast that was far from the truth, but rewind back to when I thought I did. I was headed out the door saying goodbye to my dad, when I heard loud cries and it was my mom. She was so happy that I was making my dream of becoming an engineer to a reality, but at the same time she was sad to see me ‘grow up so fast.’ She had mascara running down her face, while one hand was wiping it away the other hand had a camera getting ready to take a picture. I was in a hurry so, I gave her a hug and headed out the door.

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